Word of the Day: 잠옷 - pajamas
잠옷은 너무 커요.
My pajamas are too big.

Learn the Language

Welcome to the language section of Learn Korean Now. Here you will find lessons for you if you know absolutely nothing about the language to more complicated lessons studying longer reading of texts, and everything in between.

Hangul is the Korean alphabet. All of our lessons are written using the native alphabet, so you should learn it before you begin. Don't worry! Hangul is one of the easiest alphabets in the world to learn, and we will provide you with all the tools necessary to pick it up in a breeze.

Once you know Hangul, you're ready to dive into our beginner lessons. These will build you a foundation for the rest of the language. Don't be deceived by the term beginners, as we cover a significant amount of material in this section. After all, we want a strong foundation.

After covering the Beginners lessons, you should have a strong foundation in Korean. Now it's time to put your knowledge to use and truly gain some practice. In this intermediate section, we start introducing more practice, longer readings, along with some additional useful grammar to add to your collection.

Vocabulary is undoubtedly very important in learning a new language. We introduce new vocabulary throughout the grammar lessons, but stop by this vocabulary section every now and then to knock out plenty of useful vocabulary along the way.