Word of the Day: 무슨 - what (followed by noun)
무슨 영화를 좋아해요?
What movie do you like?


Beginner Warm Up

This lesson introduces the fundamentals of the Korean language, such as sentence structure and how social status is built directly into the language. We finish this lesson with your first Korean vocabulary, such as hello and thank you.

Beginner Lesson One

This lesson is really the heart of the language. Here we cover popular verbs and verb conjugation in the three styles of speech. Verbs are very important in Korean, so be sure to cover this lesson very well.

Beginner Lesson Two

In this lesson we introduce the subject (이/가), object (을/를), and topic (은/는) particles, as well as what a particle is since it is new to English speakers.

Beginner Lesson Three

This lesson is an extension of Lesson One on verbs. It introduces adjectives, or descriptive verbs.

Beginner Lesson Four

This lesson introduces some basic vocabulary related to different places. More importantly, we focus on how to describe location relative to other items, and introduce the necessary particles.

Beginner Lesson Five

This lesson covers the two number systems used in Korean. You will learn how to count in both and when to use each number system. We then provide some practice while studying money and learning to count it properly.

Beginner Lesson Six

This lesson covers the past tense conjugation of verbs in the various styles of speech.

Beginner Lesson Seven

This lesson focuses on telling time and talking about time.

Beginner Lesson Eight

This lesson covers many useful particles. Specifically, we look at 도, 의, 에, 에서, 들, 만, 마다, 쯤, 정도, and 한.

Beginner Lesson Nine

In this lesson we cover many ways of saying 'and' between both sentences and individual words. We cover the use of 그리고, 과/와, 하고, 랑/이랑. We also introduce some other common conjunctions such as 그래서, 그래도, 그런데, 그렇지만, and 그럼.

Beginner Lesson Ten

In this lesson we cover how to make a verb negative by using either 안, 못, or the longer ending ~지 않다. We learn when it is appropriate to use each form.

Beginner Lesson Eleven

In this lesson we cover various future tense endings for verbs. We discuss ㄹ 거에요, ㄹ 게요, and 겠. We also learn how to attach these to past tense bases for another effect.

Beginner Lesson Twelve

This lesson helps us learn to make our sentences more descriptive and gives us more flexibility when creating sentences.

Beginner Lesson Thirteen

This lesson covers constructions 원하다, ~고 싶다, 필요하다, 야 하다, ㄹ수 있다, and others to make constructions such as I need, I want, I can, and I may in Korean.

Beginner Lesson Fourteen

This lesson covers various popular verb endings. We learn the uses of 고 있다, 을까요, 을까 하다, 을래요, 네요, 지요, 잖아요, and 는데.

Beginner Lesson Fifteen

This lesson introduces the uses of 아무, 이나, 쯤, 뭉 ㄹ까 하다 as they are used to make sentences softer.

Beginner Lesson Sixteen

This lesson teaches how to state the purpose for some action, similar to the English phrase "in order to..." or "for the purpose of...". We discuss 으러, 으려고, and 서.

Beginner Lesson Seventeen

This lesson lets us provide a reason for some event, similar to the word because in English. We discuss 서 and 으니까.

Beginner Lesson Eighteen

This lesson covers the concept of conditions, similar to the word "if" in English. We discuss 면, 으면서, 을 때, and 는 동안.